The work performed by APS Materials requires stringent processes and test procedures accomplished under several quality systems.
These systems earn certifications as diverse as our applications and clientele.
APS maintains standards in aerospace, FDA/biomedical services, and metallurgical laboratory/testing procedures.

ISO 17025:2017
This accreditation verifies that the APS Materials metallurgical laboratory can perform multiple mechanical testing to the highest quality standards.

ISO 9001:2015
Since 1996, APS Materials has been certified in this global standard, assuring our clients that our services are managed and continually improved to provide the best quality experience and results.

The National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program approves APS for a variety of aerospace coatings, which requires documentation, testing, and continuous adherence to customer specifications.

ISO 13485:2016
This international certification shows that APS Materials meet specific quality requirements for the comprehensive management of medical devices manufacturing.

APS’s full-scale metallurgical analysis laboratory includes facilities for verification of production quality, via mechanical testing of any type of coating and analysis of coating microstructure properties.

Certification #: 5021.01

APS provides lasting protection and restoration that keeps equipment moving. From thermal sprays to ceramic, metallic, and CerAnode coatings, APS has a solution. Contact our team to discover the best solution to protect your materials.